

Busy Weekend!

The holiday season is in full swing, mainly noted by all of the money we've been having to spend (Gifts, Food, Travel, etc.) This past weekend has been fun, but I'm not going to be able to write about the second or third parts of our San Francisco trip. Maybe with my time off?

Friday evening, Amanda and Martie (my sister- and mother-in-law) came to eat dinner with us and stay the night. Roy (my father-in-law) joined us for dinner at La Duni at Northpark. We ate inside because of the rainy weather (I love their outdoor seating!).

The next morning was the 2010 Memory Walk, hosted by the Dallas chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. It was held at the Dallas Zoo, and was a pretty good time! The animals were out and about - the giraffes were especially friendly, and I was able to touch two of them a couple of times. It didn't rain, and the weather was clear and cool. Other than it being a little disorganized because of the way the routes were shaped, it was a great event.

Today I've been doing some catch-up on work (not nearly enough), and am about to get ready to head to Sherman. We're picking up some of our holiday decorations, as well as eating dinner with my side of the family for my Uncle's birthday.

What a weekend! We also made stops by Whole Foods, Nordstrom, Neuhaus Cafe and Daria Lane. I'm looking forward to getting through this week at work, and then enjoying Thanksgiving!


Awaiting My Fate

I'm at Boardwalk Volkswagen, waiting on Hetta to get out of the shop. I hope it isn't a million dollars!

The reason I'm here: Michael's car wouldn't start earlier this week, so we took it to a mechanic to get it checked out. Apparently, the battery we had it replaced with in January wasn't a good one. That's what we get when we have it replaced at Walmart while out of town. Boo. Moral of that story - never trust you car to Walmart, even when you're out of town! Find a small mechanic!

I'm thinking all I need is my brake pads to be replaced. Watch me leave here will a list of things replaced and a lighter bank account. Maybe some will be covered under warranty? ;)