

Job Seeking News

You guys!
I finally have good news to share with you - I've been offered {and have accepted!} a job with a local University! I'm more than overjoyed with this opportunity, and am eager to start my career here in Pittsburgh.

Great things are worth waiting for.
I interviewed for this position on February 2nd, and just got my offer on Monday. That's almost a MONTH! What a slow process! I thought the ship might have sailed.

Bonuses of the new job:
I can walk to work.
While I'm walking to work, I pass by my favorite French patisserie.
I'll be able to continue helping others through public health.
It's a raise from my last pay check.
My fruit bowl will now have a new home.
I'll have my own office. {I think.} cube. And it's fabulous!
I get a free bus pass.
I'll work in a swank new building.
I won't have to work in dahntahn anymore!
My "office decorations" can come out of storage.
After six months of employment, I can attend the University for graduate school...for free.

Husband is proud of me, and is doting on me like a good spouse. We've gone out to eat/have drinks at least 3 times in celebration, and we're going to the Eli Young Band concert {Throwback from my college days in West Texas} tomorrow night. Boots and beer, I tell ya!

Also, I hope to give a few updates in PGH Dining and What I Wore Today this weekend.

I start on Monday!


  1. Super Big CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! We are proud of you, you will be a **STAR** employee!
    And it's not just because I'm your Mama. :-)

  2. So beyond thrilled for you! I'm so proud of you for all the hard, tedious work you put in and all those times you were forced to be patient. IT TOTALLY PAID OFF!! You are going to rock it. :)


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