
{Recipe} Popovers

How are you starting your Super Bowl Sunday this weekend? Perhaps with a ritual or two?
Or, if you're like me, I'm thinking of the food I'm planning to make. With my extreme success of finally making popovers a few weeks ago, I know my menu will feature these beauties.

The foolproof recipe comes from our Air BNB host in upstate New York, Jayden. She was a fantastic host, and was generous enough to share her recipe with me.

Courtesy of Jayden M.

4 eggs, at room temperature
2 cups milk, warmed slightly
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp. fine salt
cooking spray
canola oil
jam, honey or soft cheese, for serving

The whole trick to popovers is having the right pan, and controlling the heat. Thus, you have to but the correct pan {mine is Williams-Sonoma's Nonstick Popover Pan} and follow the recipe's directions exactly.
Preheat the oven to 500 degrees F. {Hint: throw a thermometer in you oven to ensure it's on point. I've never had an oven that wasn't at least 25-50 degrees off. You'd be surprised.}
Break the eggs into a bowl and beat well. Add the milk, flour, and salt; beat until just blended. If you have the time, let sit for at least 30 minutes to three hours. Spray the pan{s} with cooking spray and place in the oven to preheat for 5 minutes. When the pan is hot, add a teaspoon or so of canola oil to the bottom of each cup. Quickly fill the cups two-thirds full with batter. Place the plan on the center rack of the oven and bake for 12-15 minutes without opening the door of the oven. Reduce the temp 350 and bake until brown and set, about 5-8 minutes more.
When they come out of the oven, slice a small hole in the top to ventilate. Remove from the pan and serve the popovers with jam, honey or soft cheese like creamed brie or goat cheese.
It shouldn't have been this difficult for me to get it right - but it took me years before I had everything correct. I hope I've saved you some time!
With strawberry jam, honey and margarine.
Both crunchy and soft - perfection.
With black currant jam.


Thanks for your comment; I'm all ears!